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Member Benefits

  • Ribbon Cutting
  • Member Investor Plaque Member
  • Listing in the Online Directory
  • Link to Business Website in Chamber Digital Directory
  • Member Investor Pricing for all Events
  • Opportunity to be on an Event Planning Committee(s)
  • Recognition on Social Media and in Local Print and Online Newspapers
  • Free or Special Pricing for Educational Classes (the Chamber Lunch N’ Learn Programs)
  • Opportunity to Sponsor Events for Name Recognition
  • Business Card Displayed in Chamber Lobby
  • Potential Recognition via Surprise Patrol & Business of the Month Program
  • Opportunity to Place Items in Swag Bags for Free
  • Free Periodic Networking Events
  • Opportunity to Host Business After-Hours Networking Event at Location of Your Choice
  • Free Advertising in Weekly Member Investor Eblasts
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